Update 3/3/2023
Good Afternoon Parents. This message is to inform you of the new drop off and pick up procedures. Beginning Monday, March 6, we will open the back gates on Acacia Avenue to allow vehicles to pull in, drop off or pick up, and exit. Security will be present to direct traffic. There will be no parking in the drop off area beyond what is necessary for your child to exit or enter the vehicle.
Refer to the map in this link for directions: https://4.files.edl.io/8130/03/03/23/234941-42d12edb-e0e7-4f01-96f8-a2180715679a.pdf
Additionally, the walk through gate on Acacia will be kept closed and locked. Please do not park on Acacia and obstruct the flow of traffic. Students who walk to school will be let in through the front office starting at 7:45 AM. Thank you and have a great weekend.